- How many diapers do I need for 28 hours?
- How many different climates will we be exposed to between summer in Argentina, shuttles that may be over air-conditioned or may have no air conditioning. Airports, planes, snow in New York (our lay-over where we plan to just be in the airport but who knows with storms), Arizona winter, while is generaly mild but sometimes chilly??
- How much food do I need for the baby?
- What baby food items will be allowed past security?
- Does he really need toys?? He doesn't use them THAT much yet.
- How many videos does Mario need? Will he even get to watch them?
- Should we bring cards for our 6+ hours in airports, or will we spend all of that time either in security lines or tending to Gabe?
- Will anyone want to see Gabe's immunization record?
And that doesn't even start with what will we want when actually there, and visiting various winter climates, and what size of clothes Gabe may or may not grow into in the next 6 weeks....so I am procrastinating, and posting some cute recent pictures of Gabe instead.
These I took this morning after Gabe got out of the bath, just because he was irresistibly cute.
Here is Mario who did in fact help decorate all 100+ sugar cookies for our neighbors.
Yes, bring a few toys and remember that South American security folks are a LOT less strict than US - so definitely NOOOOO liquids. My rule of thumb with Caleb at that age was 10 diapers for every 24 hours of travel - we have come close, but never actually run out. And, DO NOT forget a change of shirt at least for you and Mario - babies have unbelievable accuracy whilst traveling. Bring the cards, but don't plan on using them and the fewer movies you bring for Mario the more available he'll be to spell you with Gabe. Have a great trip!
Wow...I can't even imagine getting ready for a trip like that with a baby. What a woman!
I just saw your post on the blogger exchange and would love to if you're still interested. Sounds like you have lots on your plate already! If you're game, email me at amymcallister@mac.com and we'll work it out. I can send to AZ since it sounds like that's where you'll be. Either way, just let me know.
And good luck with the prep!
Your baby is adorable, your husband is adorable and you are so smart that you will be prepared for the trip, I just know it. I agree with Linsey, you should most certainly bring yourself an extra top in case of barfing up incidents. Bring him an outfit or two, and a whole heap of diapers! No cards. Just get magazines and play with the baby! Your Christmas card is in the mail, I hope you get it!!!?
I want to see that darling baby. I wish you were coming here. His eyes are to die for! I bet you are so excited to show him off.
Blogging is the best thing that ever happened to procrastination.
Ohh, please put up more naked baby pictures! And Mario looks mighty pleased to be helping.
Don't bother bringing and projects like cards. They just won't get done.
As I scrolled down I got a glimpse of Mario in a powder blue shirt and I was hoping that it would be my most favorite polar bear graphic tee, but alas it was something else. You can imagine my dissapointment.
Sorry, I am procrastinating my work so I can stare at your cute baby! He definitely just gets cuter and cuter each time I see him!
Don't worry too much, it will all work out (this said from the woman who had spreadsheets so she could plan not only what to bring, but what everyone was wearing which day. Jessica makes lists, I make spreadsheets.)
Can't wait to hear how it goes. Linsey is the expert, huh?
Glad you got a helpful husband!!
good luck with the travelling - be sure you have something to knock yourself out with if things get really bad. Don't give it to Mario, he'll need to watch Gabe.
Anxiously awaiting some updates on the trip!!!
Feelings on being back home with family and the USA culture?? English speaking??? Shopping???
Do give details on your thoughts!
I saw that Annie took your pictures while you were down here. They came out so well! I'm glad!
Gabe is so darn cute!! Love those eyes! PS. Were u announcing something with your comment on Marianne's blog ;)?
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