
Monday, March 31, 2008

Swimming for Friends

I have been thinking for a while now that the solution to my work-out-woes is to find someone to trade with. I watch her kid for an hour while she does whatever she needs to and then she watches Gabe for an hour while I go to the gym (or use my hour of escape however I see fit...). So I have assessed all of my current contacts - mostly through my church - and there are none suitable. My guidelines are simple, you must live in a 3 block radius and have only one kid as well. So I must expand my search. Thus I decided I should start attending mommy-baby swim class with Gabe again. It's at the gym I want to go to anyway (which is withing 3 blocks of my house) and if you have more than one kid you can't go to mommy-baby swim class! (I am brilliant, I know)

The class has yet to pick up really after the summer holiday here, so the pickings were pretty slim, but I started to assess anyway so I could then wade closer and try to start a conversation.... cut arms, maybe she wants to work out too? no, too skinny to care. s on about 4 or 5 months older than Gabe, good. looks cool (based on her cute bathing suit and way of managing wet hair) maybe we can be friends....

The last time we attended class was in December before we went to the USA for the holidays. At that time, Gabe was still calmly hanging out in the water with me so I just pulled up my hair to keep it dry and if another kid splashed too much, I gave them a dirty look and waded away. Gabe is now a completely out-of-control splasher, and within two minutes of entering the pool I am drenched and at one point actually blinded by the mascara running into my eyes.

When the class ended I got out of the pool and accidentally passed a mirror in the dressing room, and had to laugh out loud. Here I am sorting potential friends based on bathing suits and body fat and the mirror glares back at me: hair of drowned rat style with a random pink heart clip - the only thing I could find in my bag, must be left over from recent trip with niece - frumpy, faded bathing suit that I wear because I don't care what the chlorine in the pool does to it; mascara running down my entire face; thighs so rippled in celulite that does it really matter that they aren't necesarily of greater circumference than when I was 21??

I hope the other women in the pool aren't as shallow as I am!

In other, more photographic, news...
I've been unsuccessfully trying to take pictures of Gabe's teeth. Here we can kind of see the two on botton...

...and the one side, vampire-style, upper one. The one on the oposite side is also coming in. Nothing in the middle yet!
I had to take this picture of Gabe last night in his adorable pijamas from Paige. Not a great picture, because everytime I got him standing and then called his name to get his attention,
he immediately came crawling over to me to get picked up, and to play with the camera.
We had friends over from dinner last night, and although I don't have a picture of them, I do have a picture of the massive chorizo link I "grilled" on the stovetop. I was the only meat I had in the freezer, and it had to do because you can't actually buy meat in this country right now!
p.s. good thing I am a sausage lover...

Here Gabe creates his own personal fountain with the bidet. Seriously, I can't keep him away from this thing.

In Chile was the first time Gabe's really been on grass. He did NOT like it! He would see me and want to crawl to me, but after putting one hand down he would lift it up, look at me with a horrified face, and cry for me to get him. When I did not, he overcame his dislike and crawled over the grass, but everytime he paused a minute before putting his hands down on it.

Shopseeing in Chile

I have great sisters-in-law for many reason, but in part because they love to shop as much as I do. The only time we left the house when were in Chile was, obviously, to go shopping. We went to the funnest store, Casa & Ideas. It would have been a good store in the United States. In my present state of shopping dearth, it was pure heaven. I walked slowly through every aisle, carefully planning so that I missed NOTHING! We all walked out with multiple bags.

I also browsed the grocery store in this country that allows imports and thought I'd share with you what mundane items become very exciting after a period of denial:

tortilla chips, salad dressing, chocolate kisses for Gabe's Easter basket (which he kindly shared with his mom!) canned cherries (which I think I can make into cherry pie filling, which I don't normally love but sounded really good to me since I can't normally find it!) and mint extract, so I can make Blog brownies!

I am so easily entertained these days!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

An Adventure Happened on the Way To Visit the Tios...

We are back, and I have finally downloaded the pictures from our road experience. I will refer to it as a "car adventure" rather than a trip because the destination is of minimal importance considering the number of hours spent in the car more than doubled the number of hours at the destination.

As we loaded into the car last Wednesday morning at 6:30am, our neighbor was also outside and warned us to take a different route than the one planned to pick up Griselda because there were strikes blocking the roads. Being an illiterate who doesn't read the local newspaper or watch the local news, this was the first I had heard of anything and didn't think much of it. We took the route indicated and picked up Mario's sister without incidence. We continued on our merry way about an hour farther and then our troubles began with this:

This was our first road block created by trucks supporting the farming industry, who are reeking havoc with the nation's roadways as form of protest for the government having raised the retentions, or taxes, on agricultural goods exported from Argentina. The economic details will be saved for another post, and this one is only focusing on how I spent 72 hours in a car with a baby in 6 days.

At our first road block we were given instructions something like "turn right and drive until you see the cementary. Continue driving on the dirt road until it ends, turn left onto another dirt road, and you will shortly make it back to the highway." okay, easy enough, a mere 1/2 hour lost...

By the second road block Mario was threatening to join the first sign of a drivers' revolt and take the steel steering wheel security bar with him to fight out way through. Unfortunately for the inner hoodlum within, we only had to sit around a mere 45 minutes until they allowed the cars to pass. At a subsequent road block we had to race around the grassy shoulder as the truck driver was RUNNING to his truck to block the shoulder as well when he figured out cars could still pass. A little later we had to drive down off the embankment onto what at first appeared to be a dirt road, but quickly just because a faint path in shoulder high weeds with no way to turn around, which we had to follow for 20 minutes until we found a road to take us under an overpass and to the small town that had other roads to make it around the road block.
Gabe was NOT having any more to do with his car seat, and passed the time as we crawled along jumping in his seat, and on me. I know, really safe, but seriously, we weren't moving. Every time we got moving again and I had to strap him in I had to break out new WWF moves as he screamed bloody murder and fought against me with every ounce of his 22+ pounds (which are amazingly forceful!)

After the last drive through the bush, the car started making a terrible sound as we got back on the road. After driving another 45 minutes in panicked silence, we finally decided to pull over and find a mechanic. The first one we found told us we probably broke the AXEL, but he couldn't help us so we had to go somewhere else. Mind you we're 6pm on the last working day before the Easter holiday.... When we finally located a new mechanic, we were more than relieved to discover that the piece that covers the engine from below had merely been shoved upward and was bumping things it shouldn't. It was returned to it's correct position and we finally made it to Mendoza at midnight, 530 miles and 18 hours later.

Foolishing thinking the worst is over, we leisurely get up at 9 am the next morning and head across the mountains to the border. On the way we stopped at Puente del Inca (Inca Bridge) a natural stone bridge that has a mineral water source that makes the rocks turn all these amazing colors of orange and green. In the 20's a hotel was constructed there iwth all the showers and baths using water that came from the natural sulfur springs. The hotel was abandoned and the bridge was finally closed to tourists a few years back for fear that it would break. Supposedly there is a legend for the the bridge came into being, but no one could remember it.

Here are Paco and Alicia (we caravaned with them) in front of Cerro Aconcagua - the highest peak in the Andes in all of the Americas. It was beautiful.

After multiple, seemingly pointless, road stops by Argentine military, we finally entered a huge tunnel in Ar gentina, and exited the other side into Chile. YEAH! A little sign pops up, 4 km (2.5 miles) to the customs control. And about 100 feet more, we are stopped by this:
Yes folks, that is a LINE OF CARS 2.5 MILES LONG! For the next six hours Gabe played, whined, ate, cried, jumped, screamed, and tried to pull off all the poor little piñata chick's "feathers".

I wanted to kill myself, or more likely kill the annoying border agents who randomly allowed some people to SKIP the line, and drive to the front. After many hours of irritation, I went to ask whey some got to cross without waiting and others had to poke their eyeballs out in desperate boredom in the line. (of course I had to cause trouble, you all know me). However, there were so many other people already yelling at the border patrol, and fighting with the people in cars that had passed that I just started giggling with an overwhelming feeling of contentment that someone else was already fighting my battle, that in the end I couldn't contribute anything more.

6 hours after we entered the line, we made it passed the border patrol, and in the pitch black on night we curved our way to Esteban and Estela's house. I don't know anything about the path, we couldn't see anything.

Another 265 miles and 15 hours later, we finally showed up exhausted on the door step of the mission home in Rancagua, Chile.

The next two days we hardly left the house, and they were completely fabulous. We sat outside and talked while the kids played.

We ate lots of delicious food prepared by Estela.
We played ping pong.
Mario and his brothers and nephews played tennis.

With an amazing amount of moaning that occured in the stretching afterwards.
And Saturday afternoon we celebrated Easter with basket for the kids, and more candy for the adults.
Unwilling picture subjects.

We went youngest to oldest to break the piñata. Gabe mostly wanted to just pull more feathers off, but did manage to get a light "tap" in with the help of Tio Esteban.

Pilar could not be convinced to wear the blindfold, so got to hit it without.
Tomas almost knocked out his brothers with his back swing, but did give it a good hit.
Santiago's downward bat managed to knock it off the string, but it still did not break.
That was quickly fixed with a good batting from Pablo.
No instructions were needed for what to do after the piñata was broken.

Estela's then wisely arranged a babysitter for the 5 older kids so we could go out to eat.
When we got up to leave Sunday morning, there were lots of tears all the way around. Poor Pilar was devastated to leave her cousins, and all the adults had wet eyes. As always when we are all together, I remember how much I truly love my sisters-in-law and how sad I am that we don't live closer to each other.

The trip back over the mountain was much better this time, with only a little more than an hour lost at the border crossing. We could also see in the daylight what we had descended in the black of night a few days before:
Do you notice not a single light or guardrail on this spiraling mountain road??? We arrived to Mendoza quickly enough to enjoy sightseeing a bit.
Mario in front of Lake Potrerillos:

Gabe and I at the border crossing.
A lovely fountain in Mendoza.

A charming park.
Mario served his mission in Mendoza, and loves it. He's always telling me how clean and nice it is, which was in fact true. And it has a shopping trolley! I'm ready to move!

Unfortunately for us, when we got back to Mendoza that night we discovered that the strikes had not been resolved, and Monday's trip back was similarly hellish to Wednesday's trip out. This time we actually saw a few frustrated travelers fighting on the road, and on one alternate dirt road we got stuck in the mud. However, much having much experience being stuck in the mud on a trip to Africa a few years back, together with Griselda and Paco we quickly pulled a bunch of weeds to throw under the tires for traction and we were back in action.

And now if you've managed to read this far, I promise not to write so much the next time!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Keeping Up With the Jones's

I love Christmas and I go all out for it. However, I have become aware that I am a failure at pretty much every other holiday. I don't dress my family in Valentine's apparel. The leprechauns didn't visit my house last night where we ate lasagna instead of corned beef and green dessert. Last Thanksgiving was skipped entirely. The list goes on. My husband is a foreigner who doesn't get it, and my kid is too young to know what's he's missing. It's hard to find the motivation, you know? But I WANT to be that cool mom like Jessica who does the coolest things ever for her kids every holiday, or like Paige who's kids ALWAYS have adorable, holiday-appropriate attire. So, in order to assauge my guilty heart and start trying to be the person I dream of someday being, I decided I better get on the ball with Easter.

We're going to Chile to spend Easter with Mario's brother and his family, so I have more audience, thus more motivation. I fear my creations will not fare well in the 16 hour car ride, so I am posting about them now, so it can be documented for all posterity that I did attempt to create holiday cheer.

I present to you one lopsided baby chick piñata and 38 handmade chocolate-covered marshmallow eggs. The piñata looks ridiculous but took freaking HOURS to glue all those little pieces of tissue paper on, and the eggs are delicious, but I seriously doubt the chocolate will still be on the eggs instead of just on the inside of the little bags by the time we arrive. But there are no marshmallows in Argentina anyway, so it could be a developed taste and maybe they won't like them anyway?? But my nephews did request candy from Argentina, and I promise you that bird is stuffed with candy.

Maybe it's because I haven't had anything marshmallow in such a long time, but I was truly savoring my "test samples" of those eggs. I remembered making them once in Young Women's (the girl's organization at my church) and decided to try find a recipe and make them again. If anyone else is feeling so ambitious, the recipe is on, recipe #85703.

Mario just called and when he asked what I was doing, I told him I was packing. Downloading photos off the camera so you have room to take pictures on your trip counts are preparing to travel, right? Best get to it. Have a Happy Easter and I will be back to blogging next week!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Perpetual Disappointment

I have issues with hair salons. My issue is that I feel like I spent a lot of money, and lot of TIME, and I am NEVER happy when I leave them. The biggest problem is that I go in with hair something like this:

And expect to leave with hair something like this:

It doesn't happen. To complicate matters, my 15 strands of super fine hair seem to break easily under the stress of chemical processing. Here we see the three months of growth since my last visit to the salon:

That is not the first time. When I was in high school I wanted one of those super cool spiral perms. They were really expensive, but I knew some girl through my church that could do it at home for a lot cheaper. After my visit to her house, I had to be exceedingly careful for months or the huge CHUNKS of broken hair would not hide under the other hair, and would poke out all over my head. But I digress.

So, I went to the salon on Saturday to get my hair cut and helped along on it's path to maintaining the blond I was at about age 6, and of course left disappointed. The cut is boring, but I suppose that's my fault for not having researched a new hair cut and arrived knowing what I wanted. But is it my perpetual hair disappointment, or is this color just BAD on me??
Blogging has induced women all over the world to take self-portraits that are not especially flattering and then post them for the universe to critique. so aside from the fact that this is just a hideous picture, I can't decide if the color is darker than what it was before so I'm just not used to it - but it's good it's darker because who wants to be one of those women that have dyed their hair the same blond for decades, even when it ceased to be flattering, or if the color is just plain bad. So do I live with it or do I return and demand a new color?? Or maybe I need new makeup? And the eyebrows tattooed, because I have serious eyebrow problems, starting with the fact that you mostly can't see them, and they're supposed to be the "frame" around your face...

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Most of the northern territories "sprung" forward last Sunday to begin Daylight Savings Time. Today, those Argentine provinces that were still following Cristina's energy saving plan, "fell" back an hour as we begin autumn. So now I am officially notifying you all of your respective time differences so we can return to speaking on the telephone.

California, Washington, Arizona: I am 4 hours later than you.
Utah, Idaho: I am 3 hours later than you.
Washington DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania: I am a mere 1 hour later than you.

Child Horror Film Auditions

Just thought I'd share with you Gabe's newest talent, which he likes to practice during sacrament meeting. We are told in church to develop our talents, right?

He also has gotten ridiculous about changing his diaper. We have a serious fight every time I have to change his clothes or diaper, he WON'T hold still, and starts wrestling his little body and lurching all over the place to get away from me. Anyone out there have any advice? I'm kind of scared about getting into this phase of development where I actually have to discipline him. What if he's really naughty? How can I keep making snide comments about other moms with poorly behaved children if mine is also poorly behaved???

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Escapada (little escape)

First, my apologies for the delay in posting. I am habitually sporadic so I'm sure you are used to it. But this time it was because I haven't been able to load pictures.

Anyway, last Saturday I finally prevailed and convinced Mario we should go to the islands for the day. Close to the other side of the fairly wide Parana river there are islands to which you have to go by boat, and lots of people go to sunbathe and hang out. Mario always said they weren't that great, and had lots of mosquitos, but being the curious person I am I wanted to check them out anyway. Last Thursday and Friday were sunny and beautiful, so Saturday we invited a bunch of friends and headed out. Leaving the house Mario warned, "it's a little cold, maybe you want a hoodie?" Arriving on the island, it started to rain and we had to take refuge in a little restaurant/bar. But the rain soon stopped and even though it stayed overcast, we had the best time.

Here we are ready to get on the boat.
HEre is Gabe pulling on the rails. Very safe.
Here he is excited to be free of his stroller.
This is the dock on the island.
Mario and friends playing tejo, which is kind of like horseshoes.
Gabe contemplating the sand.
Gabe playing in the sand.

Gabe eating the sand.

Gabe loving the sand, and continuing to eat it. It was one of those great beach days where we didn't take off our sweatshirts, but it wasn't too hot or too cold, here was no one there and there was lots of clean sand and we just hung out...until about noon when the boat came back and told us we had to leave because they were afraid a storm was coming in and so weren't going to run anymore boats that day.