
Thursday, January 26, 2012

September 2011

My attempts to recap our lives for posterity continues...  Looking back through photos, it seems September wasn't super eventful.  We did go to a local pool "movie night" where everyone hangs out in the water and watches a movie on a huge screen.  My kids were not interested in watching the movie, only in annoying the other patrons, so we didn't stay long after the movie started.
 They LOVE the water, and Gabe is an amazing swimmer.

They were, however, interested in eating watermelon.  And making a big mess with it.
 We also took them to some scummy indoor amusement park - the kind of thing you do in Arizona when in September it's still to hot to go outside.  Lucia was terrified of the carousel,
 Gabe loved it because it was a horse.
 He was also big enough to ride the bumper cars.
 Lucia did do better on the little train and other rides.  Overall, not a terrible day, not great enough that we really want to return.
 We also took our very first family camping trip with our friends Diego and Shannon.  Luckily, my dad has everything one could need or want in the way of camping gear, including a large 2 room tent so big even Mario could stand up in it, so it didn't matter that we pretty much only own flashlights.
 During the day we had lots of fun.  Eating camping food,
 Going on nature walks, playing games, etc.
 Sleeping was a NIGHTMARE.  First, Lucia made her first and last attempts to get out of the hurling herself over the side and falling on her head numerous times.  Mario finally calmed her down enough to nap a bit with him.
 Gabe begged and begged to cook "marshes" over the fire, cooked one, and then declared "I like them better just plain."  Too funny.
 But then we got to nighttime sleeping again...Lucia took FOREVER to be calmed down enough to sleep.  Then I went to bed, dressed warmly and in a sleeping bag on an air mattress, and was freezing and trembling so much I feared for the lives of my children, had a minor freak out, and got up in the middle of the night and went to sleep in the back of the van.  I took Lucia with me and we turned on the heater for a bit, then turned it off to sleep, then when it got cold turned it back on for a bit.  Needless to say, the night was so miserable that I think our next "camping" trip will be to a lodge somewhere.
 I also attempted to make Raspberry jam.  I didn't make freezer jam b/c my freezer is too small.  I got special recipes to make it low-sugar, I brought flats of raspberries and jars and lids.  Then after an entire day making it, I stored away all my little jars.  Then, a few weeks later, Mario and I hear this crashing sound, but can never find the source...until a few days later I open the cupboard where they are stored and discover that somehow my jars did not seal, the jam fermented, and now the lids are EXPLODING off the jars.  I'm done with canning, I'll just buy it from now on.  But the one that went to the fridge and I consumed, was delicious!
And apparently, we did nothing else camera worth in September!

1 comment:

Paige said...

Oh your camping days are over until new baby is 3. It's just not that time in your life!
Except now I'm reminded two times sleeping and freezing in the car with you- once at some scummy parking lot in some state between Washington and AZ in my black protege turning the heat on and off, and later at your byu ward camp out somewhere south of Provo.

Though we've spent a lot more nights in hotels, bad car camping is somehow more memorable.
Good job taking camping pics so you can pull them out to prove you're a fantastic mother.
Ellie has introduced "man camp" where the Dad takes the big boy camping alone. I think that will work for you!