
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Polo ~ Pirouetes ~ Pathetic Princesses

Polo Ponies. Argentina is known for polo, and having a taste for all things fine, I've always been interested. Last week there was a polo tournament here in Rosario that was open to the public so I went with Gabe and my friend Janette and her son. It wasn't what I expected. First, the horses are small, which is fine, I jut didn't know that they are called polo PONIES because they are truly small, agile animals. Second, it was so informal. There has hardly anyone there, it was basically just a field and we could have walked right onto it - no real division between us and the herd of charging horses (that didn't seem so light weight when they ran storming past a mete 3 feet from you in a herd, with no barrier in between. And there was no score board, so I had no idea what was going on. But we had fun anyway, Gabe loved the horses and continue to shout "dale caballo, dale!" (go horse go!) The best side benefit from that is when he's piddling along and I need him to get moving I can say "dale Gabe Dale!" and he'll start running like the caballos. Works great.Mateo and Gabe found polo balls and the trainer let them keep them. They're heavy and feel like they're made of fiberglass.

One of Mario's responsibilities in our church is over the Young Single Adults. We were in charge of the regional dance so I declared a snow theme (it is winter here) and taught them how to cut out snowflakes. It was fun to decorate.
We decided to serve soup and water instead of hotdogs and soda. Some were horrified by the departure from tradition, others tried my taco soup and declared that it was so spicy it was completely inedible (I swear it was totally mild) and others were happy. Whatever, I feel like I'm helping to expand their palates and hopefully their minds! (I also made squash soup, pictured below)And in a grand personal accomplishment, I finished my first novel in Spanish. I finally read the first of the Twilight series when I picked it up in English in an airport earlier this year. I couldn't get New Moon in English so decided to try it in Spanish. I had a hard time getting into it, and blamed that on the language but have since heard many felt the same way. Is it me, or is the heroine whiney, suicidal and pathetic in this book?? But by the end I was enjoying the story again. I wanted to get the third in English but then I met a guy the other day that just got back from living in the US for 8 years and his English was not good, and I was really kind of surprised and dismayed, and I don't want that to be me so I think I've convinced myself to read the 3rd book in Spanish as well. But if someone wants to mail me their old copy of the 4th book in English I'd be most appreciative. Santa hasn't come through with my Kindle yet.


Tammy said...

I'm so glad you like that top! Its a great pregnancy top?! wow

wackywilsons said...

I am very impressed by you once again...snowflakes, pumpkin soup (looked super yummy) and a novel in Spanish? You are ambitious!

I do love that growing belly too!

Bruce said...
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