It looked really fabulous... until about 45 minutes into the party when we were hit with a torrential downpour. It only lasted about 25 minutes, but that was long enough to destroy the decorations.
Gabe...will be 18 months old next week and is changing constantly. Since I don't seem to be capable of keeping his baby book updated, this will have to serve as record of his life milestones. He now boasts a variety of "words" in a bilingual vocabulary.
"ha" = hot
"zhou" = shoe
"doe" = toe
"mam" = mom
"ba" = bottle
"ba" = ball (he differentiates by pointing)
papa (his only clearly definable word to people other than his parents)
"bagua" = agua = water
"ma" which serves as both toma and dame, which are spanish for take this and give me. Mario thinks he is saying toma and dame. I think he is calling me, the person he feels is responsible for giving him things and receiving the things he doesn't want. It's possible he has a larger vocabulary in spanish and I don't recognize those words because I don't pay attention to them.
He continues to be a major climber, scaling anything available anytime I am not looking. He also demonstrated incredible strength (to me at least) at the park this weekend where he hung from a bar for more than 10 second, multiple times. He also loves the swings and laughs histerically when I push him really hard - NOT afraid at all!
He loves buckles. on his stroller, on his highchair, on my backpack. any kind of buckles. He will clasp them, holler to me to undo them, clasp them again, holler is the only activity at which he demonstrates any attention span.
We have reached the point where attending church is a mere exercise in habit. Gabe will no longer stay in his stroller during sacrament meeting. And he will also not stay on my lap, on the bench, or anywhere near the bench where I am sitting. He will not read books, play with puzzles/puppets/toys, snack peacefully or draw. He screams until I let him out, fights me off, and then runs as fast and far as he can before I catch him. If anyone has some advice here, I'm all ears.
He loves to go for walks outside (meaning him walking, not in the stroller). When I do not have a time constraint (meaning it's okay to take 45 minutes to walk one block) I let him. He stops at EVERY door, touches the lock and pulls on the handle. If there happen to be ants crawling around, he stops to inspect. He often likes to stop, sit down, and sometimes even lay down on doorsteps. He like to pick up cigarette butts and leaves - never a shortage of either.
And one last story not for the delicate of stomach... the other day I bought 5 kilos of strawberries to clean and freeze because they are going out of season and you can't buy frozen fruit here. They were small strawberries, and it was taking me FOREVER to clean them. Meanwhile, Gabe got all wet on the patio, so I took off his clothes. He then took off his diaper, and climbed up on a stool to join me with the strawberries. After a mind-numbing amount of time cleaning, I happen to glimpse him throwing something in the strawberries out of the corner of my eye. I looked closer. He had POOPED, PICKED it up, and THROWN it in the strawberries. I screamed in disgust. I had to wash all again.
And one last story not for the delicate of stomach... the other day I bought 5 kilos of strawberries to clean and freeze because they are going out of season and you can't buy frozen fruit here. They were small strawberries, and it was taking me FOREVER to clean them. Meanwhile, Gabe got all wet on the patio, so I took off his clothes. He then took off his diaper, and climbed up on a stool to join me with the strawberries. After a mind-numbing amount of time cleaning, I happen to glimpse him throwing something in the strawberries out of the corner of my eye. I looked closer. He had POOPED, PICKED it up, and THROWN it in the strawberries. I screamed in disgust. I had to wash all again.
I love that you saved the strawberries anyway.
18 months already? I can't wait to see him (oh and you guys) in 2 months -- he and Caleb will be able to babble away in English, Spanish and Toddler.
Re: church, I figure you get blessings for going, because you aer definitely not feeling the spirit!
Re: strawberries, seriously disgusting.
Gabe is big and cute!!!
That is AWESOME! and i love that you took pictures, too bad we don't live closer, because i think our kids would get along, she loves all the same things buckles, shoes and leaves, though she has yet to throw poop onto any produce!
I can't believe how big Caleb is!! So cute with his big brown eyes. Love the poop story. Gabriella loves to take off her diaper and poop everywhere. We will be starting potty-training soon!
so he loves to climb and throw his feces? Sounds like you have a real monkey on your hands. I miss Gabe so much, he looks so grown up. I also miss you so much and you looked really cute at the party.
I'm always so fascinated by the bi-lingualness. Do you have Thanksgiving there? And I know your visit is 6 months away, but I'm getting so excited.
H I L A R I O U S ! !
poo in the berries, maybe you should name them poo-berries!
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