
Monday, June 29, 2009

Sad, Sweet Goodbye

Last Thursday night, the 25th of June, Mario's father, Deolindo Antonio Resek, passed away. He was 85 years old and had lived an exemplary life. Deo was very intelligent, learned, humble, generous, loving, and many other traits. But most importantly, he was one of those rare people who can really say that he didn't just try, but did his best to follow the example of Jesus Christ every day of his life. I am grateful for the relatively brief time that I knew him, and am even more incredibly grateful to have the blessing of being married to someone who was raised by his example and teachings.

I know that the highest honors and glories of heaven are reserved for men like him. We will miss him.


Kimberly said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute.

Erika said...

Sad to hear about your news. What would we do without our eternal perspective? hang in there.

wackywilsons said...

I heard about Abuelo and I meant to write you a little note. I am so sorry for your loss, especially for Mario. I hope that you find some peace and are able to find some closure together as a family.

Amy said...

Our love and sympathy goes out to your family. Such a loss can take much time to overcome but there is peace that comes in quiet moments.

Love, the Wylykanowitz Family

Evelyn said...

Lamento mucho la perdida de tu suegro. Mandale mis condolencias a Mario. El fue un gran hombre. Como esta la mama de Mario? Besos a todos por alla.

Tammy said...

My sad

Mar said...

Lovely sentiments. Hope Mario and the family are doing okay (you, too, of course).
My condolences to you all.
xoxo mar