Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Finding you Inner Gaucho
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Conquering the Couch
Gabe is a funnier kid every day. Lately, he gets really hyper before bed time so we have about 30 minutes each night where we just play and wrestle on the floor. It's really fun. The other night he tried to climb up on the couch. When I got out the camera to film him, his fascination with the camera pulled his attention from summiting the couch. That's when I had to refocus him by putting his favorite forbidden toy - the remote control - on the back of the couch to distract him so I could film.
First he tries and tries then gives up and gets distracted by other toys.
But the distraction is short-lived and I barely turned the camera back on in time to catch him wiggling up onto the couch.
Now that he has done it, and been filmed doing it, we are trying NOT to encourage couch climbing as we feel it won't be so "precious" when he's 5.
Ashley - as you can see here he claps when anyone says "muy bien" or "yay", which for me counts as bilingual.
* please forgive background noise from both the tv and the heavy breathing filmer
Thursday, May 08, 2008
A Good Sunday
My previous strategy had been to sit in the very front, side bench, next to Abuela who plays the piano, where I can create a little corner of toys for him to play with and contain him
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Gabe Videos
Here are some recent videos of Gabe so you can see him trying to walk - and also if you watch closely you will catch this new face he makes - which is really a lip-snarling grow. Kind of hilarious, kind of frightening. Also note in the last video that anytime anyone says "Muy Bien" he claps. It's really kind of cute.
Hair Sprouts = Love
Last night as I was washing my face, and noticed that 4 months-growth-post-highlighting-fiasco-that-burned-off-hair would give her a particularly good laugh. And because we can all use a good laugh, I send this ode of personal humiliation out to my wonderful friend, that she may have yet another reason to smile today.
p.s. when I asked Mario to take the picture he said to me "You're not going to put that on the blog are you??" "yes, why?" "Adrianne, my friends read that too!" So if you are one of Mario's friends, the photo above is not of his wife, it's just a joke.
p.p.s. Erika, I don't have bangs, I have burn-off-out-growth!