
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Importing Culture

Thanks to the heroic efforts of Annette and Ashley, Halloween will happen in Rosario. I convinced Mario to have a ward party, the young women are on board to do the haunted house, big posters announcing the costume party have been up in the church for two weeks, and I regularly harrass the members asking them if they've come up with their costume yet.

To make it complete, my mom sent:

  • 11 bags of spider web
  • two creepy cloths
  • 144 black spider rings
  • 50 glow-in-the-dark gummy skelatons
  • 1 large glow-in-the-dark hanging skelaton
  • two dozen plastic eyeballs
  • a witch's nose
  • two sets of green teeth
  • halloween makeup
  • pirate accessories for Mario
  • 6 feather boas to make the cutest parrot costume ever for Gabe
  • one pattern for above stated costume
  • one extra pattern for when I was contemplating a monkey theme
  • fake gold coins so I can be the pirate's treasure
  • one large costco bag of halloween candy that may or may not have been entirely consumed already. I'm not saying.

Want an eyeball??? You're invited to our party!


Here I'm sharing important cultural items like candy corn and People Magazine with Gabe. I don't think he's appreciating them fully.

In addition, Lindsay contributed a stack of US and Glamor magazines so I can learn important things like not only is the economy going to pot in the US, but fashion as well. ARE YOU KIDDING ME Katie Holmes, etc. with those baggy pegged jeans????

Lindsay also sent me the cutest jacket EVER, which will be featured in a later post. Oh how I love my deliveries!!


Brown Sugar said...

I do not know what Katie is doing but it is truly distressing to me, a few more weeks of her sad sack outfits and I will have to grow out my bangs and find a new celebrity to adore and emulate.

Jessica said...

Yeah, I just realized I have 2 days till your birthday.

You're probably not getting a package in time.

I'm the worst present-friend ever.

Paige said...

Mario with the binocs is hilarious. I can't wait for your huge Halloween party! Those poor argentines are going to get a false sense of how fabulous Americans are because they get to come to one of YOUR parties. I can't wait to see Gabe on Mario's shoulder.