
Friday, November 02, 2007

Mother's Day

I have this dream periodically where I am back in college, and it's the end of the semester and I realize that ALL SEMESTER I've forgotten to attend one of my classes. I haven't done any of the assignments, haven't studied, and it's too late to drop the class, and now I have to go beg the professor to have mercy and somehow let me make it up. This is a reacurring dream I've had for years, but I've decided that it is the manifestation of my subconcious fears about blogging. My sister was in town, and then Blogger was having some random problem and I couldn't upload photos, and really, who wants a blog without photos? so I am seriously behind. Not just in posting, but in reading. I started to try and catch up with the reading but made a rule for myself that I would not comment or read others' comments, because that seriously doubles the time required. So here is my attempt to catch up with the last two weeks, which have been great, by the way.

My first Mother's Day was really really nice. I was in Buenos Aires with Ashley the Saturday before, then came back in the morning to have lunch and celebrate with Mario's family. Mario and Gabe made me a very nice card and bought me a skill saw, which is EXACTLY what I wanted! (not a chain saw, which is what I almost got due to a mis-translation. Translating tool words isn't so easy...)
Paco, Pilar and Gabe.
Abuela Susana and Gabe.
Susana, Tia Griselda and Gabe. Mario and his sister look so much alike that Gabe could seriously be her child more than mine.


Linsey said...

He's so big, I can't believe how much he's changed since you last posted photos. I'm glad you had a nice mother's day and that you have had such a great time with Ashley.

Jessica said...

You are required to comment on best friend's blogs (I realize you have like 4 or 5 people who think they qualify, but I really do.) I have seen you looking and not commenting on my spy statcounter and have felt really hurt. At least an email commenting on my life and all the effort I take to make it look hilarious and celestial! Sheesh.

Okay, I'm better now.

Celia Fae said...

I have comment issues as well. It is sometimes hard for me just because of the time, but then it is my favorite part of blogging.

I'm glad you are back. I was going to send a rescue mission down.